Updates & Articles News & Blog: FBC

Welcome to the Friendship Baptist Church (FBC) blog! Here, you will find up-to-date posts on our latest church news, interesting articles related to the Christian faith, explanations of common key doctrinal questions, and more. Be sure to check back with us regularly to see our very latest posts!

Healed by His Stripes Pt. 1

Nov 15, 2021, Sermon Applications

It was a great privilege to spend Sunday morning meditating upon those marvelous words in Peter’s first epistle, “by [Christ’s] stripes ye were healed (1 Pet. 2:24).”  Pastor Vradenburgh pointed out that the Greek word translated to “stripes” is not plural, but rather singular; literally “by whose stripe ─or wound─ ye were healed.”  Since the […]

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Zoom Prayer Meetings Draw Us Closer to God and Each Other

Oct 11, 2021, News and Updates

Almost every Saturday morning since the pandemic began, I’ve met with a handful of ladies over zoom to pray. Before we knew the term “social distancing,” these prayer times were held in person at church, which I admittedly attended very rarely. Now, with my coffee cup in hand, I slip away for 45 minutes on a Saturday morning to holy ground in my upstairs office with the morning sun shining through the window.

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The High Cost of Discipleship – Sermon Application #2

Sep 30, 2021, Sermon Applications

Jesus gave the connected parables of deliberating over potential construction and potential battle to make us pause and contemplate the cost of living a genuine Christian life (Luke 14:25-33).  Our fleshly inclination is to make our own costless form of Christianity, but this compromise only leaves us with a form of godliness void of spiritual […]

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The Great Supper – Sermon Application #4

Sep 23, 2021, Sermon Applications

In the parable of the great supper (Luke 14:12-24), a feast has been prepared and all that remains is for the guests to come and enjoy the meal.  What a marvelous picture of our salvation!  Time would fail us to describe our entrance into the brightness of this glorious peace, the deepening realizations of a […]

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The Great Supper – Sermon Application #3

Sep 21, 2021, Sermon Applications

The parable of the great supper sets two extremes in our view, the extravagant grace of God and the wretched disregard of sinful man (Luke 14:12-24). God, the Master of the magnificent soul-feast of salvation, shows His grace not only in preparing the great supper, but also in sending His servants out into the world […]

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The Great Supper – Sermon Application #2

Sep 16, 2021, Sermon Applications

In the parable of the great supper (Luke 14:12-24), Jesus provides us with direction for Christians disillusioned with seemingly futile evangelistic efforts.  In the parable, a servant goes out to invite guests to a great supper only to meet with a series of irrational and petty excuses: “I have bought a piece of ground, and […]

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The Great Supper – Sermon Application #1

Sep 14, 2021, Sermon Applications

Immediately following the parable of the exalted wedding guest, Jesus gave another parable with a similar theme, the parable of the great supper (Luke 14:12-24).  Jesus, the Master Teacher, loaded this parable with rich application both for the lost who refuse to come to the feast of salvation and to the saved who have become […]

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About Friendship Baptist Church

Our purpose is to make much of our Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel through the preaching of His Word and the making of disciples. At Friendship Baptist Church (FBC) we teach the Bible in order to facilitate spiritual growth in all of God’s people and to provide opportunities for Christian fellowship. God has graciously used Friendship to further His work both locally and across the globe since 1965.