church picnic
When: 08/12/2020 at 6:30 pm to 08/12/2020 at 8:30 pm
Contact: heather jones for more information

We are looking forward to having fun together as a church family tonight! Please read the following information to help you as you prepare to come.
Please check your email before you leave in case the weather deters us from having the picnic.
Plan to enter the field using the two gates in the fencing nearest the parking lot. All attendees must have their temperature taken upon entry.
FBC leadership strongly recommends, but does not require, the use of face masks at all times when social distancing is not possible. We believe it is important that we “mask up” to be cooperative with current guidelines regarding COVID-19.
Please plan to provide your own seating (chairs, blankets). You are welcome to bring a canopy/tent for shade.
- Please feel free to bring any lawn games you might want to share.
- Pastor DeAngelo will have some audience participation games.
- Pastor Vradenburgh will share some thoughts to conclude.
- Plan to bring a picnic dinner for your family.
- Pre-packaged sweet treats and bottled water will be served at the concession stand by a gloved, masked, volunteer.
- Lumpy’s Ice Cream will be serving single scoops to all in attendance from their ice cream truck. Their employee will observe all COVID-19 precautions.
- We will also provide Freeze-Pops that will be served by a gloved, masked, volunteer.
- Please observe the social distancing markers while in all lines.