Parable of the Widow & the Unjust Judge – Sermon Application #2

Sep 02, 2021, Sermon Applications

The parable of the widow and the unjust judge in Luke 18:1-8 sets forth the proper Christian response to the incessant assault of the church’s adversary, the devil.  Rather than trying to rebuke the devil or fight him in our own strength, we are to cry out to God who will swiftly avenge His church […]

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Parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge – Sermon Application #1

Aug 30, 2021, Sermon Applications

The parable of the widow and the unjust judge in Luke 18:1-8 repeats the theme of importunate prayer which we saw in the parable of the friend in need (Luke 11:5-13).  The Bible teaches us that the prayer of faith is powerful (Jas. 5:13-18), and the prayer of faith is marked by tireless perseverance! Prayer […]

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Parable of the Friend in Need – Sermon Application #2

Aug 19, 2021, Sermon Applications

In the parable of the friend in need (Luke 11:5-13), the friend presenting the need provides us with a wonderful illustration of the “importunity” that God desires in prayer (Luke 11:8). Pastor Vradenburgh explained that the closest synonym is probably the word “impudence.”  We might even define “importunity” as “shameless persistence.” Prayer application 1 Do you ever feel like you are […]

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Parable of the Friend in Need – Sermon Application #1

Aug 16, 2021, Sermon Applications

In Sunday’s sermon we studied one of two parables about the power and necessity of persevering prayer: the parable of the friend in need (Luke 11:5-13).  In the parable, the friend presenting the need recognized his inability to provide his guest with a meal, but instead of resolving to offer nothing, he was compelled to plead with his neighbor […]

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Parable of the Good Samaritan – Sermon Application #2

Aug 12, 2021, Sermon Applications

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the priest, the Levite, and the Samaritan all came upon the same bloody sight, yet the priest and the Levite responded very differently from the Samaritan. The same scene which compelled the religious men to keep their distance was the same scene which compelled the Samaritan to draw near and help as much as he could. […]

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Parable of the Good Samaritan – Sermon Application #1

Aug 09, 2021, Sermon Applications

We live in a time where genuine compassion is often exploited for selfish gain. “Guilt-tripping” and appealing to man’s inherent sense of self-righteousness can be incredibly powerful tools for obtaining power and wealth.

It is for this reason that countless thieves and con-men paint themselves as victims. Others have made fortunes for themselves from charitable donations that were intended to help others.

With this going on all around us, we can be so fearful of being victimized ourselves that we begin to harden our hearts to the reality of true victims. We may have rationalized and justified ourselves, but how does the love of God dwell in one void of compassion for those in need?

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Ambassadors for Christ

Feb 02, 2021, Christian Living

What is it that drives Christians to spend themselves completely for the sake of Christ?  What is it that provokes missionaries to exchange their lives of relative comfort for the hardships and dangers of foreign lands?  What is it that compels us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Christ?  The answer to these questions is stated by Paul in 2 Corinthians 5: the love of Christ.

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The Top 15 Books I Read in 2020

Jan 26, 2021, Christian Living

Written by Pastor DeAngelo In 2020, I read 65 books (finishing the 65th book on December 31st!). I am a pastor (and now also a student pursuing his Doctor of Ministry), so I will read theology, but I work to read a variety of content. This year, that variety included history, health, sports, biography, psychology, […]

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What is God Trying to Tell Us Right Now?

Jan 08, 2021, Christian Living

I would like to encourage you in the face of all the discouraging news with which we are being bombarded in our country right now. Courage and honesty in high places are in short supply. A Marxist revolution is unfolding before our eyes. Freedom of the press is a myth. The “cancel culture” is having its way. 

Why does God seem silent? What in the world is He doing? What is He trying to tell us?

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Summer Camp Lessons for Everyday Life

Aug 19, 2020, Christian Living

Written by Kris Wilder, Children’s Ministry Director The summer camp week is over. Your heart is full. God feels near. Temptation lacks its usual power. You want this to last forever. Life at home returns. Your heart is confused. God feels distant. Temptation’s power is strong. The spiritual momentum lasted a few short weeks. Though […]

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About Friendship Baptist Church

Our purpose is to make much of our Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel through the preaching of His Word and the making of disciples. At Friendship Baptist Church (FBC) we teach the Bible in order to facilitate spiritual growth in all of God’s people and to provide opportunities for Christian fellowship. God has graciously used Friendship to further His work both locally and across the globe since 1965.