Top Books I Read in 2022

Feb 17, 2023, Christian Living

“I don’t know that I ‘cannot live without books,’ but I do love to read. And I love to read because I love to learn.” In 2022, Pastor DeAngelo set a goal to read 48 books, and, as it turned out, he read exactly 48 books. As a note, these books were not all written in 2022 (some are oldies but goodies!), but these are his favorites from what he read in 2022.

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Memorize More Scripture in 2023

Feb 03, 2023, Christian Living

Like millions of people, the end of one year and the start of a new year gives me mental energy to reflect on the previous year and to think about what I would like to accomplish in the coming one. And like millions of people, I write out resolutions for the new year (I call them dreams).

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Confident in Christ: The Sure and Steady Anchor

Jan 27, 2023, Christian Living

Throughout history, believers have found comfort and reassurance as they consider the security an anchor offers during tumultuous storms. The anchor has been a long-time theme for Christians. And thus, many songs and hymns have been written that refer to a spiritual anchor.

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New Year, New Theme: Confident in Christ

Not only does God want us to have assurance of our salvation, but He wants us to have full assurance of faith—confidence. This is the theme that the pastoral staff has prayed over for 2023. Lord willing, it will lend itself to emphases throughout the year.

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Last-Minute Gifts for Little Ones

Dec 20, 2022, Christian Living

Don’t let this Christmas season pass without telling your kids about the gift of salvation through Christ. Don’t complete your Christmas shopping without checking out these books that point children to Jesus and His gospel. Merry Christmas!

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Favorite & Funny Moments from The Wilds Couples’ Retreat   

The Wilds Couples’ Retreat is “an incredible opportunity to get away from the routine to enjoy a weekend of renewal physically, emotionally, and spiritually.” Led by Gary & Sherry Goodson, fourteen couples drove to the NC mountains this past October. Gary is a long-time teacher of the Couples for Christ ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship). Todd […]

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Cultivating the Gratitude Attitude

Many want peace, but they fail to see how their pride and ingratitude rob them of that very peace. By nature, we are not thankful people. That’s why we need to honestly examine the Scriptures to learn how to cultivate the “gratitude attitude.”

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Seven Questions to Ask Yourself in Making Decisions

given by Pastor Vradenburgh In a recent message, “Ways in Which God Proves Us,” Pastor shared seven important questions we can ask ourselves. Prayerfully consider these scriptural guidelines as you make decisions. #1 Will it glorify God? Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. (1 […]

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Two Word Challenge for the Class of 2022

For many graduates, there is a sense of uneasiness lurking just behind the smiles and the laughter.

What comes next?
Am I going to make it?
How do I find meaning for my life?

These weightier questions begin to push to the front of their minds and hearts, replacing the much simpler ones that have dominated their high school years. Combine those questions with the blinding glare of the world’s reality they are entering, and paralysis can quickly set in.

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The Twin Causes of Error – Sermon Application #2

Jan 29, 2022, Sermon Applications

When the Sadducees sought to put Jesus to the test, they asked Him whose wife a woman would be in heaven if she had been married to multiple men. They asked this because they thought that it logically disproved the resurrection─for they denied the resurrection. Jesus responded to them saying, “Ye do err, not knowing the […]

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About Friendship Baptist Church

Our purpose is to make much of our Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel through the preaching of His Word and the making of disciples. At Friendship Baptist Church (FBC) we teach the Bible in order to facilitate spiritual growth in all of God’s people and to provide opportunities for Christian fellowship. God has graciously used Friendship to further His work both locally and across the globe since 1965.