Christmas Bells—A Message of Hope

Much of the world’s greatest hymnody and poetry has been more therapeutic for the writer who penned the words than for those who continue to read them decades later. Such is the case with the famous poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and his classic Christmas carol “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day,” originally titled “Christmas Bells.” In the depths of his unimaginable grief, Longfellow’s pen etched a journey from personal despair to resolute hope.

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The Brilliance Beyond Bulbs: Jesus—The Ultimate Light of Christmas

Dec 14, 2023, Christian Living

How can anyone not love Christmas lights?

My Grandpa Merz had the best light display at Christmas that I ever remember. I’m not sure when he started his work nor do I know the number of lights that he used (I’m sure I thought that it must’ve been a million!). But his house and yard were always spectacular!

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Great is God’s Faithfulness

Gratitude for God’s enduring faithfulness and unwavering compassion should be a central theme during Thanksgiving—reminding us to appreciate and be thankful for the good things we have. But it shouldn’t stop there.

For believers, it is our exclusive right and privilege to praise God sincerely and superlatively for His unending faithfulness.

There are four specific ways we can see how God is always and ever faithful.

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We Need the Word—Together

The culmination event of our FBC Ladies’ Anchored in the Word series began on a blustery Friday evening a couple of weeks ago. Here’s a sneak-peek at some of the incredible truths from God’s Word that Kelly Collier so kindly shared with us (these are just the highlights—we learned so much in just 2 days)…

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Beyond November: Embracing a Lifestyle of Gratitude

Nov 16, 2023, Christian Living

For the believer, a posture of thanksgiving isn’t confined to the month of November—but it’s the perfect time to reset our hearts toward the spiritual discipline of gratitude. In Scripture, we’re instructed to give thanks in all circumstances.

But beyond God’s provision of our daily needs, several motivations for gratitude are uniquely Christian. See how—and why—we should give thanks for the gospel, for the church, and in seasons of suffering.

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Sola Fide: Justification by Faith Alone

Justification is the gracious act—not a process—of God in which God declares [pronounces] righteous the sinner who believes on Jesus. This great doctrine is under attack from the most unsuspected sources—even those who outwardly espouse it.

The glorious doctrine of justification by faith is one of the fundamentals of the faith that was championed by Martin Luther and sparked the Protestant Reformation.

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The Next Step

Sep 28, 2023, Christian Living

Is your little faith what’s keeping you from taking that next step?

God doesn’t always show you what He wants you to do, nor does He give you all the answers in advance. Many times, He wants you to step out in faith, and go forward.

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Delight Yourself in the Lord

Aug 31, 2023, Christian Living

“Delight thyself also in the LORD: and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Psalm 37:4

This verse puzzled me for a long time. What exactly is “delighting” in the Lord? And if I’m delighting in the Lord, then will all my desires be fulfilled? Taking this verse stand-alone sounds a lot like “name it, claim it” theology, and we know that type of false teaching doesn’t square with the Bible.

So what does Psalm 37:4 really say?

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This Empty Nest is Open for Business

Aug 11, 2023, Christian Living

I’ve found myself really thinking about this whole “empty nest” paradigm. As I’ve been searching the Scriptures and praying about this new adventure, I’ve discovered a few truths that have been encouraging to me. I hope they will be helpful to you, whether you’re a new mom, dealing with teenagers, or—like me—an empty nester.

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Five Ways to Pray for the New School Year

Cultivating a Christ-centered life begins at home, and Friendship Christian School comes alongside families to help our kids learn about Christ, love like Christ, and serve like Christ all for His glory. As the first day of school approaches, use this guide for five ways to pray for the new school year.

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About Friendship Baptist Church

Our purpose is to make much of our Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel through the preaching of His Word and the making of disciples. At Friendship Baptist Church (FBC) we teach the Bible in order to facilitate spiritual growth in all of God’s people and to provide opportunities for Christian fellowship. God has graciously used Friendship to further His work both locally and across the globe since 1965.