What’s More Important? The ABCs or the CCCs?

Aug 05, 2024, Christian Living

Welcome to the end of summer! No more lazy days by the pool or late nights chasing fireflies. Nope, it’s time for backpacks, pencils, notebooks, and day planners.

Like it or not, summer’s ending and the school year is upon us.

Whether we homeschool, private school, or send our kids to public school, the nine months of the school calendar are, in my opinion, nine of the most distracting months in our parenting year.

Unfortunately, the distracting nature of the ABCs too often causes us to neglect the need to concentrate on the more important CCCs.

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Stop and Smell the Onions

Jul 11, 2024, Christian Living

Our family’s evenings at the ball field—filled with baseball, coaching, and scorekeeping—always led to ravenous hunger. A quick fix? The comforting smell of onions sizzling in the kitchen, a promise that dinner was on its way.

But this blog is more than just about onions—it’s about finding hope in Christ and peace in His promises, just as we can while waiting patiently for our eternal home.

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Citizens of Heaven: Living with an Eternal Perspective

In a nation (and even an entire world) full of chaos and confusion, it’s easy to get caught up in the here and now—the news, the debates, the primaries, the wars, the politics, the polls, the elections, etc.

We become consumed by our daily routines, our immediate struggles, and our short-term goals. Yet, as believers, we are called to live with an eternal perspective, understanding that our true citizenship is not of this world but of heaven.

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Dads, Do We Reflect Our Heavenly Father?

Jun 12, 2024, Christian Living

Fatherhood is a profound and beautiful calling. It carries with it not only the joy of guiding and nurturing young lives but also the weight of responsibility in shaping the future. As fathers, we often look to various books and other “sources of wisdom” to help us navigate this important role.

But as Christian fathers, there’s a paramount model we are called to emulate—our Heavenly Father.

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Faithfulness Is Fire

There is nothing inherently wrong with living a life that is full of excitement and entertainment, but our highest pursuit should be to stand before God one day and hear these words—“Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

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Four Mothers and God’s Amazing Grace

In the minds of many Christians, the most boring sections in the Bible are the genealogies.

But these genealogies are inspired.

At a quick glance, you might notice who is included in Matthew’s record—four outcast women—mothers.

That’s hardly what we would expect to find in the royal heritage of the King of kings! But the fact that these four women are included is a commentary on God’s amazing grace.

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Bloom Where You’re Planted: Lessons from the Dandelion

Apr 25, 2024, Christian Living

Every garden must have yellow flowers, because they are my favorite—pansies, tickseeds, mums, black-eyed Susans, sunflowers. And I happen to like dandelions as well!

I know that I’m one of the very few who does, because most people are interested in a well-groomed lawn rather than the yellow polka-dots of these flowers in the grass….

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The Eclipse, God’s Glory, and the Gospel

As much of the country paused this week to witness the celestial spectacle of a solar eclipse, I was reminded of what the psalmist said in Psalm 19:1—the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork.

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Hope: Beyond Wishful Thinking

Mar 28, 2024, Christian Living

Hope thou in God.

What does that phrase really mean? How can I make sure my hope is in IN GOD: not me, or another person, or my circumstances?

Thus began my study of Biblical hope, and it took me much deeper than I ever would have imagined…

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Lessons from My Garden: The Power of Pruning

Mar 06, 2024, Christian Living

Spring has sprung!

Well, almost. Technically, it’s still winter.

But, in my yard, the daffodils are nodding their cheerful heads, and the peach tree is about to burst into a glorious froth of pink blossom. So, like any good gardener, I grab my clippers and head out to prune…and weed and fertilize and transplant…

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About Friendship Baptist Church

Our purpose is to make much of our Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel through the preaching of His Word and the making of disciples. At Friendship Baptist Church (FBC) we teach the Bible in order to facilitate spiritual growth in all of God’s people and to provide opportunities for Christian fellowship. God has graciously used Friendship to further His work both locally and across the globe since 1965.