Pastor Jan Milton
Dr. Jan Milton graduated with his bachelor’s degree in 1975. He also holds a degree as a paralegal. His efforts have led him to further graduate work, and he has achieved academic recognition, holding an honorary doctorate.
After graduation, he worked as youth pastor, assistant pastor, church computer specialist, school administrator and teacher, college lecturer and adjunct teacher, and senior pastor. In 1991, he began to be the director of Operation Renewed Hope, a medical relief agency, while being pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Fayetteville, NC. He still labors in Operation Renewed Hope in that capacity today. As a result of this, Dr. Milton’s work has reached, at last count, forty nations with medical care, disaster relief, donations of needed materials, support of children’s homes, establishment of churches, maintenance of educational programs, and much more.
Over the years his efforts through Operation Renewed Hope have led to the salvation of thousands and the planting of many churches across the world. His support of the gospel and gospel preaching churches to reach the needs of people are constantly evident.
He is an outspoken leader in the need for the church to do good works to embrace the 21st century culture. He is also a strong proponent of equipping and empowering nationals to reach their own nations for Christ. In his efforts, he has, devotedly, directed professionals to reside in the United States empowering the church globally to reach the lost, relieve suffering, and send laborers to the harvest around the world.
His speaking engagements have taken him around the world, and his efforts have required him to work directly with leaders of nations.