Unpacking the G.O.A.T. of Scripture

Who is the G.O.A.T.?

The term G.O.A.T., which stands for the “Greatest of All Time,” ignites debates across numerous areas of expertise.

  • Who is the greatest classical composer? Mozart, Bach, or Beethoven?
  • Who’s the G.O.A.T. of U.S. Presidents? Think about the faces on Mount Rushmore: Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Jefferson.
  • In the NBA, the age-old argument continues—who’s the greatest? King James (LeBron) or Michael Jordan?

But today, I want to take that question into a different realm.

Among the 31,102 verses in the Bible, is there one that stands out as the G.O.A.T. of scripture?

And though all scripture is profitable, one verse has resonated across centuries, cultures, and languages. This verse is undoubtedly the most familiar and beloved verse in all of scripture. It’s often been called “everybody’s text.”

That verse is John 3:16, the most well-known and perhaps the most beautiful summary of the Bible’s core message—

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

The Setting of John 3:16

Even though translations don’t always agree, I believe that John 3:10-21 are indeed the words of Jesus to Nicodemus. This would mean then that John 3:16 came from a conversation between these two men—it was stated by Jesus to a person in a specific situation.

Nicodemus was no ordinary man—he was a Pharisee, part of the Sanhedrin, a scholar of the Old Testament law, a respected and accomplished master teacher. I’d imagine that if first-century Israel had a pope, Nicodemus would have been the top candidate.

Despite his lofty position, Nicodemus came to Jesus of Nazareth by night, possibly out of fear or maybe to have an uninterrupted discussion. Picture them on a rooftop, the stars overhead, Nicodemus beginning the conversation by acknowledging Jesus as a teacher from God. But then Jesus immediately flipped the script:

“Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Nicodemus, confused, asked how a man could be born again when he’s old (vs. 4). Jesus explained that this rebirth wasn’t physical but spiritual—a deep transformation. He referenced Ezekiel’s prophecies about being cleansed with water and given a new spirit, truths that Nicodemus, as a scholar, should have recognized (Ezekiel 36:24-27). But Nicodemus was baffled.

Jesus wasn’t just giving Nicodemus a theology lesson; He was dismantling his worldview.

Being a respected leader, obeying the law, and teaching others was not enough. Nicodemus needed to start over, to be born again, just like anyone else—on equal footing with the tax collectors and sinners.

The same is true of us. Nothing that any of us has done has any value.

  • Not doing good deeds
  • Not being a “nice guy”
  • Not having a pastor for a dad
  • Not growing up in church

And frankly, that is great news! Thankfully it’s not about us—

It’s all about Jesus!

Jesus then drew on an Old Testament story from Numbers 21, where the Israelites were saved from deadly snake bites by looking at a bronze serpent lifted up by Moses. Just as they were healed by looking up, so too would humanity be saved by looking to the Son of Man, Jesus, who would be lifted up on the cross.

It’s in this context—after dismantling Nicodemus’s religious pride—that Jesus delivered the G.O.A.T. verse: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Three Truths from John 3:16

Let’s unpack three fundamental truths from this verse.

1. God Loved

“For God so loved the world”

God, the majestic, holy Creator, Who despises sin, still loved the world—a world lying in wickedness. If you were to run a compatibility test between God and the world, you’d find them utterly incompatible. But instead of disgust, judgment, or indifference, God showed love. And this love isn’t just for one nation or group—it’s global!

God cannot ever love you more than he loves you at this very moment.

God’s love is personal. As Augustine said, “God loves each one of us as if there were only one of us to love.” Right now, at this very moment, He loves you more than you can imagine.

That includes me.

And it certainly includes you!

2. God Gave

“That He gave His only begotten Son”

Love always gives, and God didn’t just think kind thoughts toward humanity—He gave His most precious gift, His only begotten Son. He didn’t just sit in heaven and think, “Those folks are a mess;” He sent Jesus. It was in God’s perfect plan for Jesus to endure rejection, torture, and ultimately crucifixion, all out of love.

Could God have demonstrated His love in a greater way?

The answer is no. He could not have.

Jesus’ obedient sacrifice was the ultimate proof of God’s love for us.

3. God Saves

“That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”

Whoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have eternal life.

This invitation is open to anyone—no exceptions.

The object of our faith is Jesus alone, and by believing in Him, we will never face judgment for our sins. Instead, we gain eternal life and an abundant relationship with Christ, one that starts now and lasts forever.

 Living in a relationship with Christ is the best, most abundant way to live.

I don’t believe that Nicodemus immediately converted in John 3, but later, we see him defending Jesus in John 7 and assisting in His burial in John 19.

However, I do believe that Nicodemus eventually rejected his “worthless pedigree” and put his faith and trust in Christ.

You can do the same.

Salvation is a free gift that requires saying “no” to sin and “yes” to Jesus, accepting what He has done for you on the cross.

Conclusion: Celebrate the G.O.A.T.

For those who know Christ, John 3:16 should be a reason to celebrate. Just as you never stop celebrating your birthday, celebrate your spiritual birth often as well. You’re loved by God so much that He gave His Son for you.

Bask in this love!

If you’re unsure about your salvation, remember that this book—the book of John—was written so you might believe and have life in His name (John 20:31).

Today, you can choose to believe in Jesus, receive the gift of eternal life, and experience the love, grace, and forgiveness that comes from a relationship with Him.

There’s no greater truth than this: God loved, God gave, and God saves.

Let’s rejoice in the G.O.A.T. of verses, John 3:16 this week and always. As we say often,

Preach the gospel to yourself everyday.

thoughts taken from “What is the Greatest Verse in the Bible” from Pastor Bob DeAngelo on March 26, 2023.

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About Friendship Baptist Church

Our purpose is to make much of our Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel through the preaching of His Word and the making of disciples. At Friendship Baptist Church (FBC) we teach the Bible in order to facilitate spiritual growth in all of God’s people and to provide opportunities for Christian fellowship. God has graciously used Friendship to further His work both locally and across the globe since 1965.