Friendship Kids at Home: The Story Continues
Written by Kris Wilder, Children’s Ministry Director
“Your church will not be able to meet for over two months…”
If you would have said this to me at the beginning of the year, I would have called you crazy. Though these past few months have been much different than anything we’ve experienced before, I am confident that God is using the recent circumstances to do what He has always done.
Back in August of last summer, Friendship Kids began learning of God’s big redemptive story beginning in Genesis 1. As we’ve seen God’s character in the stories from Creation to our most recent lesson of Hannah & Samuel, we’ve seen that no matter the circumstances, God is sovereignly accomplishing an innumerable amount of things for His purposes! In this season we find ourselves, the lessons we’ve learned at Friendship Kids the last several months are just as desperately needed for adults as well.
Whether it was stories such as “Sin Enters the World,” “Noah & the Ark,” “The 10 Commandments,” or “The Golden Calf,” we’ve seen that God is always concerned with our biggest threat – sin. As we’ve journeyed throughout narratives such as “Abraham & Isaac,” “The Bronze Snake,” or “The Plagues & the Passover,” we’ve seen that God is constantly pointing people to the cure – Jesus. And in all of the stories, and perhaps seen most clearly as we learned “The Suffering of Job,” we see that God is doing all things to make men dependent on one thing – Himself.
Whether you are old or young, there is no way to have peace in the midst of uncertainty apart from having a childlike trust in this God. Friendship Kids have learned that we are just a small part in His big redemptive story. Though we have been unable to meet together recently, His plan continues and so does our learning! Below are a few ways that Friendship Kids and parents have stayed connected to the lessons over the past few months.
Digital Video Lessons
Since we have been unable to meet, we have been uploading lessons to our church’s YouTube channel. We currently have 10 digital lessons with a new one uploaded each Sunday morning.
Activity Pages
Parents have been given access to a Google Drive folder where they can print out Activity Pages that go along with each lesson.
Newsletters & Instagram
Parents are encouraged to stay connected to the redemptive story by following along with our emailed Newsletters and on Instagram (@friendshipkidsraleigh). Our most recent newsletter is seen below.
Digital Parenting Conference
Parents were given access to a digital stream of a recent Paul Tripp parenting conference – “Parenting – It’s Not What You Think?” The sessions focused on the desire for internal transformation in our children rather than merely external changes which aligns perfectly with our children’s ministry goals.
Recent Feedback
“We loved watching the Friendship Kids lesson as a family this morning!”
– Parent
“It’s a huge blessing to have lessons available for the kids during this time of social distancing.”
– Volunteer
“My kids wanted you to know they got 500 points each during trivia!”
– Parent
“We like the Friendship Kids videos. Hope you are feeling great and don’t have COVID-19.”
– 4th grader
- Working on activity pages
- Starting young!
- Adding up her trivia points!