You’re Invited: Special Opportunity
Written by Brent Brondyke, Music Pastor
You’re Invited!
The folks who are involved in music ministry in our church are a dedicated group of faithful servants. They are a blessing to me personally and to our congregation corporately. Probably many members of our church are already aware that the choir and orchestra meet each week for an hour of rehearsal… right about the time other people are waking up from their Sunday afternoon naps. I appreciate these folks I have the privilege of leading.
What may be a little less understood is that the choir members also do some extra things from time to time to prepare for events but also to grow as musicians. There are Saturday rehearsals to prepare for major programs and sometimes extra time added to our regular rehearsals for smaller group practices. Then, occasionally, I will try to offer them a resource to enhance and equip them for their service. Of course, that means extra time. We have one of those extras coming up in a couple of weeks.
On Saturday, February 23, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Dr. Aaron Jackson, the Music minister at Christ Baptist Church here in Raleigh will be at Friendship to conduct a special clinic for our choir. Dr. Jackson has a wealth of experience and talent as a college conductor and church musician. Most importantly, he has a ministry heart and understands church choir. We will learn vocally, musically, and spiritually on this important day.
We would love anyone interested to join us as well. You may be thinking about joining the choir, or maybe you are a member of another church or church choir. It would be our privilege to have you with us for the clinic. If you are interested, just contact me at, or call or text 919-830-8708, so we can be prepared with music, seating, etc.