Ladies’ Bible Study Preview
Whether you’re a veteran Bible study attendee or someone who has been pretty sure that a ladies’ Bible study isn’t really your “thing,” you probably have some clear associations with the whole idea that either pull you in or push you away. As we prepare for our winter ladies’ Bible studies, we want to give you a brief idea of what you can expect, and we hope this pulls you in!
Here is what you will find:
A really quick hour for a focused look at our weekly Bible passage.
We appreciate your time, and chances are that we are all going to be in the middle of a busy day or at the end of one. Making announcements, planning events, and taking numerous prayer requests all have their own venues, but our Bible study will be just that—Bible study and discussion.
Down-to- earth companionship.
We will all have wrestled through the same verses, and as much as we would like to claim to be Bible experts, we will all be benefiting from each other’s insights. We expect to correct ourselves and perhaps each other as we strive to achieve the most honest and faithful view of what Scripture says to us.
100% participation.
Our groups are small, because we want everyone involved and getting to know one another in the best way possible—gathering over the Bible! Jump in and tell us what you’ve found in the passage over the past week; but listen closely to understand what others are saying as well. Filter it all through Scripture!
We are excited to get going—grab your coffee, Bible, and maybe something to jot your thoughts down on, and let’s get together!
Written by Annalisa Houghton, Ladies’ Ministry Team